"Who" is gogobello?
gogobello is a free computer chess program developed by Salvatore Giannotti.
It can be executed on Windows OS from a terminal window or can also be run with a GUI interface that support the Universal Chess Interface (UCI) Communication Protocol. It was successfully tested with Arena Chess GUI 3.0, Winboard 4.9.0 and cutechess-cli 0.8.
License Agreement
gogobello is freeware for non commercial purposes. You can use it for personal use without limitation but also without any guaranteed. It's forbidden to redistribute the packages on other web site. The author (Salvatore Giannotti) reserves all rights not expressly granted here.
Opening Book
Starting from version 0.05, gogobello supports polyglot opening book (.bin files).
You can download Morphius Opening book here (thanks to Pawel Sekowski):
gogobello 2.1 plays with Ranomi, the best bin book of the G6 rating list:
Technical notes
- Starting from version 0.05 you can download the the zip file that will contain:
the exe file (for 64bit or 32bit Windows OS) and the ini configuration file. You can also download the opening book file .bin.
All files should be in the same folder.
- Starting from version 0.07 it's available only the 64 bit version.
- Starting from version 0.10, gogobello supports Syzygy endgame tablebases. Many thanks to Ronald de Man. See here for more details: http://kirill-kryukov.com/chess/tablebases-online/
- The Winboard Chess Engine Communication Protocol is supported until version 0.12
- Starting from version 1.0 gogobello only supports UCI Communication Protocol
- Starting from version 1.4 gogobello runs also on Android!
gogobello-android successfully tested under DroidFish without gogobello.ini config file
- Starting from version 2.2 gogobello runs also on Linux!
- Gogobello 3.0 uses Stockfish's net nn-62ef826d1a6d.nnue and Daniel Shawul probing code.
Latest Version
gogobello 3.0: (NNUE Revolution)
Status: released in April 2021
* - Pure NNUE Evaluation
* - Neural Network included in the binary
Version History
gogobello 2.2: (TCEC S18)
Status: released in May 2020
* - Pawn hash table
* - Multi-Cut Pruning
* - Opposite Bishops Endgame evaluation
* - Hash Table aging bug fix
* - SEE speed-up
* - Pruning parameters tuning
* - better UCI protocol management
* - gogobello.ini fully optional
* - linux and android armv7/armv8 compiling
gogobello 2.1: (IGT 2019)
Status: released in October 2019
* - Many eval function improvements
* - SEE Pruning in Quiesce
* - ProbCut
* - IID disabled
gogobello 2.0: (IGWT 2019)
Status: released in March 2019
* - Totally rewritten code
* - New eval function
* - Singular Move extension
* - A lot of Pruning
gogobello 1.4: (Android)
Status: released in December 2017
* - Android version available
* - Bug Fixing
* - Search improvements
* - Better Time Management
* - Better passed pawn evaluation
* - More UCI commands available (gogobello.ini is now optional)
gogobello 1.3 (Tapered Eval)
Status: released in July 2017
* - New Tapered Eval
* - Pawn Hash table disabled
gogobello 1.2 (Optimizations)
Status: released in May 2017
* - Evaluation Hash table
* - Quiescence Hash table
* - Reductions improvement
* - Moves ordering improvement
* - BMI2 optimization
* - Profile Guided Optimization (PGO)
gogobello 1.1 (IGWT 2017)
Status: released in February 2017
* - Evaluation parameters tuning (Texel Method)
* - LMR improvements
* - Null Move Pruning improvements
* - Minor bug fixing
gogobello 1.0 (IGT 2016)
Status: released in September 2016
* - Totally rewritten code
* - Principal Variation Search
* - UCI communication protocol
* - Lazy SMP
* - Bug fixing, code optimizations and a lot of testing!
gogobello 0.12 (Ah SEE!)
Status: released in March 2016
* - Some bugs fixed
* - Static Excheange Evaluation
* - Evasion and check generator
* - Mate Distance Pruning
* - Static Null Move Pruning
gogobello 0.11 (IGT 2015)
Status: released in October 2015
* - some bugs fixed
* - Outposts evaluation (Knight)
* - Color weakness and open big diagonals control (Bishop)
* - Hanging pieces evaluation
* - Internal Iterative Deepening
* - New hash key implementation
gogobello 0.10 (The curse of Endgame)
Status: released in June 2015
* - Syzygy Endgame Tablebases
* - Pawn Ending Evaluation
* - Lazy Eval (margin 500 cp)
* - Pondering simplification
* - Trapped bishop/knight pattern
* - Late Move Reductions
gogobello 0.09 (King Safety)
Status: released in April 2015
* - Pondering bug fix
* - Attack Tables
* - King Safety
* - History Reductions
gogobello 0.08 (Ponder)
Status: released in March 2015
* - Hash fix and optimizations (key incremental update)
* - Dedicated Hash Table to the pawn evaluation
* - Getting PV from the Hash table
* - Insufficient material draw evaluation
* - Pondering and Smart Move (if Pondering is on is recommended to double the memory for the Hash Table)
* - Check Extensions (only in PV node)
gogobello 0.07 (Happy New Year)
Status: released in January 2015
* - New Move Generator with Magic Bitboards, Pawn Attacks and Pawn Pushes tables
* - New bitboard basic functions with Built-in functions provided by GCC
* - SEE disabled in the Quiescence Search for performance reasons
* - Fix some bugs in Null Move Pruning and Hash Table
* - Futility, Extended Futility Pruning and Razoring
* - Delta Pruning
* - Evaluation of Passed Pawn, Isolated Pawn, Pawn Islands and Doubled Pawn
* - Evaluation of Bishop Pair
* - Dynamic memory allocation for the Hash Table
gogobello 0.06 (Hash it!)
Status: released in December 2014
* - Hash e Transposition Table (fixed size 24MB)
* - Aspiration Window
* - Null Move Pruning
gogobello 0.05 (Opening Book)
Status: released in November 2014
* - Opening Book Morphius (thanks to Pawel Sekowski)
* - Polyglot book format support (thanks to Michel Van den Bergh)
* - 'book' command added in console mode
* - 'param' command added in console mode
* - Added this readme file
* - Added the configuration file "gogonello.ini
gogobello 0.04 (Horizon Effect bye bye):
Status: released in November 2014
* - Fix Bug on SEE
* - Fix Bug on time management in Analyze Mode
* - Quiescence
* - Iterative Deepening
* - 'level', 'st', 'sd', 'time' 'optim' commands added in Winboard mode
* - Time management: Sudden-death time control
gogobello 0.03 (Order it!)
Status: released in November 2014
* - Fix bug exit from Analyze Mode
* - Static Exchange Evaluation
* - Killer Heuristic
* - History Heuristic
gogobello 0.02 (Give me an Interface please):
Status: not released
* - Console/Winboard Mode;
* - Principal Variation on the Stack (thanks to Bruce Moreland);
* - Analyze Mode;
* - Checkmate and stalemate management in AlphaBeta
gogobello 0.01 (Study):
Status: not released
* - Study of the QuadBitboard rappresentation in 'Pedone_base' (thanks to Fabio Gobbato)
* - Implemented single functions for the move generator
* - Changed the management to check the Human moves
* - Code reorganization in dedicated files source
Contact me
For any information write me: [email protected]